Whether we’re gathering knowledge for our next DIY project or reading up on the country we’re about to visit, learning is a lifelong process. However, it’s not always just sunshine and rainbows.
Last week, Reddit user Throwrapis3ces invited everyone on the platform to share the disturbing facts they wish they didn’t know, and they have already received nearly two thousand replies.
From human biology to waste management and social customs, continue scrolling to check out the stuff people think they would be better off not knowing.
Every hour, an average of 12 children go missing across India. Every day that average is 296 children missing across India.
Image credits: NaughtyMuse1
It’s illegal in India to find out the gender of your baby, because so many prefer boys over girls.
Image credits: puzzleman123
Definitely on the most horrifying facts I’ve ever learned is that a mute mail order bride is ten times as expensive as one who has the power of speech. It’s very disturbing and becomes more and more horrifying the more you consider the implications.
Image credits: MightySasquatch
Child slaves in the Congo mine the cobalt used in our phones.
Image credits: Ok-Indication-5121
I just heard about this one. A hospital in Kentucky pronounced a man brain dead so they could harvest his organs after he overdosed in Oct 2021. They began their routine viability checks. He woke up during a viability cardiac cath, which sent some personnel over the edge and speaking out. They were quickly dismissed by KODA (Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates). His sister also reported that she saw him crying with his eyes open as he passed her during his honor walk to OR for harvest. Her report was also dismissed. In OR, some of the operating physicians refused to continue with the procedure as they reported he was thrashing and bucking the vent. KODA was not pleased and requested additional surgeons to proceed despite this calling his behavior involuntary. There was no one available to step in. Surgery was canceled. The man is alive and well today. Many of the staff, including physicians, reportedly needed therapy after this experience.
Image credits: anewstartforu
The youngest recorded mother is Lina Medina. She gave birth at the very (IN)appropriate age of FIVE YEARS, SEVEN MONTHS, AND TWENTY ONE DAYS OLD.
Image credits: -INC0GN1TO-
Domestic violence rates go up when a big sporting event is on. And a team loses. (Obviously a team loses).
But, say England is playing France in football. The losing country will see a spike in DV.
Image credits: chinny1983
Fatal familial insomnia. Super rare, but also super scary. Basically, you stop being able to sleep, then you go mad, then you die. No cure.
Image credits: Civ_1_Settler
That covid infections harm every system in our body.
vascular systems,
immune systems
connective tissue
stays behind in our guts
and reproduces in our bone marrow.
This can’t end well.
Image credits: Renmarkable
The lil dog in space Laika died terribly and afraid in an oven above the earth..
Image credits: wolfingitup
“call of the void” When you stand over a high place, and you just want to jump even though you’re not going to jump that’s what it called.. Interesting and disturbing at the same time…
Image credits: PrincessGlitterSwan
Quokka mothers will eject their babies from their marsupial pouches at predators to escape.
Omni-Man rules. “I can always make another kid”.
Image credits: fisheypixels
When I body falls from a building, they don’t go ‘splat’, they bounce, unless it’s a very very high fall. Also if you’re driving over 80km/h and hit a horse or large animal, you can inhale its intestines and suffocate on them. Some factual stories from my ex-police father.
Image credits: deliriouslies
That people regularly abandon animals and/or children all over the world.
Image credits: DerGodzillaMeister
The Holocaust that occured in world war 2, was NOT the last.
Cambodia, Serbia, child soliders, and the Hutos, Tibet,
All with in my 57 years on the planet.
Large portions of humanity are horrible people whose only redeeming quality is to be a bad example.
Image credits: TeacherRecovering
The sheer power and devastation of hurrucanes. I watched an interview with people who survived the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935. Their accounts were just awful. Some highlights:
– One man, who at the time was a teenager, was trying to get to their storm shelter out back. He was holding his toddler sister. Once he got outside, debris hit the girl in the head, smashing her head against his face. She died instantly. He said he just stood there, holding his sister’s body for several seconds.
– One man watched their refrigerator fall on top of and pin their mother, breaking her back and paralyzing her. She was alive when he left her.
– People climbed trees to get away from the storm surge. Once it receeded, they had to crawl over bodies caught in lower branches.
– Several people were wandering around town naked afterwards. The storm had stripped them of every piece of clothing.
Image credits: JustMeerkats
The human brain is the same consistency as room temperature butter.
Image credits: CMKhani
One way many states departments of corrections try to anticipate the number of prison cell will be required in 20 years is based on how many third graders fail the state reading assessment.
Image credits: Regular_Ad3320
I am not the same after reading King Leopold’s Ghost, about King Leopold II of Belgium’s f*****g regime of terror and torture in Congo in the nineteenth century and what traces it still leaves today.
Image credits: FatCatLoui
Microplastics are found in human blood, organs and even placentas. These tiny plastic particles, which come from things like degraded plastic waste and synthetic fibers, are so persuasive in our environment that they’ve made their way into our bodies through te food we eat, the water we drink and even the air we breathe. While the long-term health impacts are still being studies, the idea that plastic is now part of our biologic system is pretty unsettling….
Image credits: Tsunazilla
A pig will eat every part of your body except teeth, there were several farmers who went missing and the only thing left was a pile of teeth in the pig pen. Pigs have also been known to walk in to farmhouses and eat people’s babies, so yeah pigs are crazy.
Image credits: the_one_watches
The 6 missing nuclear bombs that we know of.
Image credits: Global_Criticism3178
Most processed meat is linked to cancer.
Image credits: Sweet_girl_love
Unit 731 was a Japanese “””research institute””” during WWII where they committed atrocities that would’ve made even the coldest of Nazis blush.
They would test the efficacy of different explosive devices by having live prisoners stand close to the blast and then see who survived the blast.
They would infect prisoners with STDs to see how the disease would develop if left untreated. Sickeningly, they sometimes would infect new prisoners with the STD by forcing an already-infected prisoner to rape them at gunpoint.
They forced other prisoners to strip off all their clothes and stand out in the cold until they died of frostbite, just to see what happened.
Perhaps worst of all, nobody was ever tried for war crimes and the man behind it all, Shiro Ishii, died peacefully in 1959. The United States knew of Unit 731, but they requested their “findings” in exchange for not investigating or prosecuting those responsible. Because of this, we don’t even know how many people actually died there, estimates range from 23,000-300,000.
None of the “findings” were even useful to the United States as it became clear that the experiments were carried out merely because the researchers thought they’d be fun.
Nakagawa Yonezo witnessed experiments and executions at Unit 731 and later testified, “Some of the experiments had nothing to do with advancing the capability of germ warfare, or of medicine. There is such a thing as professional curiosity: ‘What would happen if we did such and such?’ What medical purpose was served by performing and studying beheadings? None at all. That was just playing around. Professional people, too, like to play.”
Image credits: Dr_JackaI
That your organs know where they're supposed to be and move on their own.
During surgery, doctors will just stuff them back in and they'll rearrange themselves back to their proper spot.
Image credits: Altruistic-Box-4066
Approximately 50% of murders are unsolved every year. Was closer to 90% unsolved in the 70’s.
Image credits: MassholeForLife
I just found out that mankind k*lls more than a billion animals everyday for food. Sounds not too humane.
Image credits: howardzen12
That praying mantis females usually eat the males during intercourse but the male can continue without his head.
Image credits: KellyM14
Child ab*se is more common than you think. If it’s not happening in your house, it’s definitely happening on your street.
Your eye lids are the same kind of skin as foreskin.
Image credits: patriotic-corndog
How much plastic we eat without knowing.
Image credits: No_Debate_3477
Both Disney & Francis Ford Coppola hired Victor Salva after his prison sentence for being a predator.
(The Jeepers Creepers franchise creator).
I used to work at the coroner’s court and attended hundreds of inquests. I had to become pretty numb to hearing about the deaths and seeing the reactions of the families and witnesses, but there’s one that’ll always stick with me.
It’s the new baby’s first Christmas, only a few months old. The family are eating their Christmas dinner, laughing and telling stories. Granny is holding the baby, and feeds her a little bit of the chicken so she can try it for the first time. The baby chokes to death.
Every time I think about this one, I wish I hadn’t been there and hadn’t heard it. It’s always in the back of my mind for the rest of the day.
Bedbugs practice traumatic insemination. The females have a genital area but the males prefer to just stab their p*nis into the females' abdomen and ejaculate right into her abdominal cavity.
Image credits: OkSpinach5268
Organophosphates, including the chemical weapon Sarin Gas, work by inhibiting your muscle’s ability to relax. Your muscles basically constrict and can’t unconstrict, causing what feels like a muscle cramp through your entire body – your arms, your chest, your eyes, your tongue, everything. It most frequently kills via asphyxiation, because you can’t exhale. Surviving means a permanent, irrecoverable loss of motor function, even with rapid medical treatment.
The Yellowstone Caldera, sometimes referred to as the Yellowstone Supervolcano, Under Yellowstone park that has the power to change the climate globally as well as end everything when it erupts.
Everything relating to the Ant-walking Alligator people of Hiroshima. That s**t is legit worse than any horror movie/game I’ve ever witnessed.
One of our bunnies degloved another. The first vet we went to recommended putting her down without even looking at her. We went there because it happened late at night and it was the best 24 animal vet around. Took her to the small animal vet open the next day and she fully recovered. It was horrifying to look at.
Currently whatever I am reading about the Diddy case has got me disturbed.
That stuff is just insane.
Many of the human organs trafficked on the black market in the United States come from narcos. There have been many cases involving medical professionals, and trucks that have been found with bodies are missing organs.
Image credits: Phantom_Giron
The album cover of dawn of the black hearts by mayhem was a photo of pelle ohlins real s*icide scene taken by his band mate.
Scientists find that the weight of all human-created mass, including plastics, exceeds all natural living biomass.
The weight of all remaining wild land mammals is less than 10 percent of humanity’s combined weight, which amounts to only about 6 lbs of wild land mammal per person.
Likely most of the 9/11 jumpers were conscious throughout their fall. That’s just the most heartbreaking thing to imagine.
You are not born with the bacteria that causes tooth cavities. Someone passed that bacteria to your mouth at some point in your life.
That there have been multiple women that have either died or nearly died because someone with a mental illness forcefully removes the baby from their womb by luring them in with the promise of baby clothes/supplies. Absolutely terrifying.
When you die the morgue workers will shove 3 cotton balls up your r****m to minimize any leakage and foul odors emanating from your body.
How the rest of the world lives. I’ve been to Uganda and India. Ugandan kids live in grass and mud huts, eat raw sugar cane and African potatoes, and just want to learn, but will probably work in a sugar plantation or die young.
Indian kids are taught to do anything to get a small amount of money and that carries through their life, even selling their younger siblings of they can.
And here I was growing up in suburban America complaining about school and listening to blink 182 on my disc man.
I still want to take my kids to Uganda though, so they can better appreciate what we have. And then reply to this thread “when my dad took me to uganda…”.
The Astronauts on the Challenger were alive after the explosion while the capsule they were in fell back to the ground.
What the inside of my bowel looks like, especially during a Crohn’s flare (I have become fully concious half way through nearly every colonoscopy I’ve had).
Donkey milk is the closest thing to human breastmilk in nutrients.
Male horses get a build up of smegma in their p*nis sheath that can form into a rock hard nugget that can be 4/5cms across. So it has to be kept clean and these ‘beans’ have to be removed manually by the owner, or a vet.
When you are doing surgery and a patient on the table dies, they turn cold. Ice cold. FAST. Uncomfortably fast. I will never forget that sensation. Awful.
Chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment (and also type-1 diabetes) really ruins your arteries and you may survive cancer but not your later heart attack, vision loss, or loss of appendages. By “ruins”, I mean they don’t just get blocked, they almost look shrunken or atrophied – thready. You can’t thread a wire through them for stents and they are no longer good targets for bypass and so that won’t help you either.
In the late 1800s, the heir to the Jameson Whiskey fortune went on an expedition to Africa and came across a cannibalistic tribe. He was curious about them, so he purchased a 10-year-old girl and gave her to them to eat. According to witnesses, she had no emotion when they tied her up and began preparing to k*ll her. She knew what was about to happen and accepted it.
In some places in the world where g*nocide and terrorism exist together, male neighbors will trade homes and sleep in the homes with neighbors’ wives/daughters. If homes are invaded and the marauders demand that the males in a household r*pe the females, they aren’t r*ping their own family members.
That orphaned newborn kittens have to be carefully monitored because they seek out the nipple so aggressively they suck on the other kittens’ penises often to the point of removing the p*nis entirely. Thanks Ologies podcast!
Everything that happened to Sylvia and the insufficient amount of things that happened to everyone involved.
Due to how polluted Vegas is,when they saw the sky clearly,they thought something was wrong.
Did a quick crash course to bacteriology. Using and dumping sanitizer back in the wild will inevitably give bacteria enough time have immunity to it. Which is something so dangerous that can break humanity.
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