Receiving an heirloom is a huge deal. You’re being handed a prized possession as a forever keepsake. If you’re lucky, you will receive something cool enough to share online.
These people are doing just that–sharing the most interesting inheritances they’ve received from someone close to them. Some took home a new pet, while others got antiques, sparkling jewelry, and classic cars, each with a unique backstory.
We’ve collected some of the best ones from various corners of Reddit. Enjoy scrolling through, and feel free to share any family or friend heirlooms you’ve received.
#1 Inherited My Dad’s Analog Collection. Kind Of Overwhelmed
Image credits: farewelltokings2
#2 Inherited All These Clubs. What Do I Do?
Inherited all these clubs from my uncle. What’s the best way to unload them (hopefully for $)?
Image credits: elvisfan2000
#3 Found This Gold Bar In A Safe I Inherited. What’s It Worth?
Image credits: dietpeptobismol
Sentimental values aside, some family heirlooms may make your home feel cluttered. Books collect dust, and furniture with no particular purpose only takes up space.
When dealing with heirlooms, professional organizer Julia Williamson advises prioritizing making good use of them.
#4 Inherited My Dog From A Former Roommate Who Got Him Off Craigslist. He’s 112lbs And Comes Up To My Waist. I See German Shepherd And Possibly Lab, But What Else?
Image credits: tannk_girl
#5 Inheriting The Family Stack
Image credits: blaq_marketeer
#6 Inherited 24k Gold Bracelet 40 Grams
Image credits: Smnadn
“If there are family letters or photos you love to look at, put them in an album or otherwise make them accessible — using archival materials to keep them safe,” Williamson wrote in an article for Business Insider.
Old paintings and records can be framed and hung on a wall for room decor. As Williamson writes, “Revel in these inherited treasures.”
#7 I Inherited My Grandmother’s Cat
He’s pretty cool.
Image credits: crazycatlady328
#8 Friend Of Mines Coworker Inherited “Ancient Mayan Alien Ruins”
Context: his dad spent $10,000 on a briefcase at a auction. My friend claims he got cursed after he put on the ring. The day they put it on they got robbed at gun point and got rear ended. The week after they got rear ended again. The month after they got their house broken into.
Image credits: Kale_The_Vegetable
#9 Inherited This From My Dad
Image credits: Short_Expert1900
Some face the challenge of picking which items to toss out and which to keep. Instead of keeping everything and being a pack rat, Williamson recommends saving heirlooms that hold great personal importance, are useful, and have historical significance.
If you’re still facing a dilemma, Williamson suggests setting aside boxes and revisiting them after a few months.
“As time goes by, you will realize that the antique train that seemed so special has lost its magic, and it will be easier to let it go,” she wrote.
#10 Inherited My Mother’s Favorite Ring. Thoughts?
Is it vintage and cool or look outdated? Anyone have any insight on the design/style?
Image credits: ThrowRA2557
#11 Inherited This Ring From Grandma, Was Told It’s 18k Gold, Diamonds & Rubies. Weighs About 3oz. About 1.5” Wide
Image credits: douglaslagos
#12 I Inherited This Watch Recently, Was Told It Was My Great Grandmothers (She Lived 1890-1950). Does Anyone Know What Year It’s From?
Image credits: mags1027
Many younger people today prefer not to inherit family heirlooms from their parents or grandparents. Since some antiques hold little to no value, they are often rejected or disposed of.
In an interview with PBS, Former National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) president Susan Devaney explained that young couples would rather not have “the same things people used to have.”
#13 Anyone Know Anything About This Box I Inherited?
Very heavy bronze with silver plate.
Image credits: alaf420
#14 Inherited This From My Grandmother. Would This Make For A Good Engagement Ring?
Image credits: Motor_Head9575
#15 Inherited This Car
Hello! I know nothing about cars but I recently inherited this beautiful Studebaker. Could anyone tell me the exact year/name of it, and any other info about it? I won’t be holding onto it, but I’d like to be as informed as possible about what I have. Thanks for any reply
Image credits: lovelyopponent
Ultimately, heirlooms are tangible traditions passed down through generations. As Mumford Restoration notes, they bridge the present and the past. It’s all a matter of keeping those that matter the most.
#16 Just Inherited My Grandmother’s Recipe Box And I Don’t Know Where To Start! These Stretch Back To The 40s And Have Handwritten Notes And Additions. Give Me A Section And I’ll Post The Most Interesting Recipes
Image credits: LadyParnassus
#17 After My Grandads Death, I Inherited All His Old £££. I Thought It Would Be Nice To Add The Latest Discontinued Notes To His Collection
Image credits: kristoffison
#18 Inherited My Grandfather’s Watch Today, What Am I Looking At Here?
Grandfather was an airline captain, circa 1960’s. According to my grandmother, the bracelet was a custom made silver piece that weighs about a pound. Would like to have it cleaned up and functional, with a leather band so that I am able to enjoy the watch in the future. What is my best path forward?
Image credits: myc210
Now, we would like to hear from you. What was the best and most interesting heirloom you received? What is the story behind it? Share them in the comments.
#19 Inherited This Insane Ring From My Great Great Aunty. How Old Is It?
I need help finding information on this kind gift as I know very little about it. I've tried myself but didn't get anywhere. She was born in 1912, and lived around Bolton, UK all her life. The note was in the bag with the ring, describing the '69 diamonds' inlaid in Platinum. This description has been cut out of a bigger piece of paper – possibly the receipt? The scribbles where there when I got it.
It seems well made as all of the diamonds are flush with the ring (I literally know nothing lol). I'm terrified of wearing it in case I lose one.
Image credits: 9inchsemi
#20 Inherited These Rings From My Great Aunt. They Are Priceless To Me, But Should I Get Them Evaluated?
Don’t know where to start with these rings! Not looking to sell them, but I would love to know more about them in general.
The top 2 rings are marked “900 PLAT” on the inside
The bottom gold ring is marked 14k
The next ring up is obviously broken but still looks nice
Image credits: Aurora1073
#21 My Dad Recently Passed Away And Left Me With All Of His Ham Radio And Testing Equipment. Need Help Identifying Some Items And Their Value
Image credits: CVLRY01
#22 From Great Aunt’s Inheritance
Given this interesting bracelet with some sort of image in the center. Any ideas about it? Thanks for your time. And if this is not the correct place to post please let me know.
Image credits: West_Ad_4764
#23 New To Reddit, Here’s My Inherited 1998 2.0t Awd
Hello fellas, cheers from Argentina. Hope you are doing great. This Celica is a present from my dad, he’s no longer taking care of it so i’m searching for any website recomendations for spare parts to revive her. Front windshield and Cv axles mainly. but any parts are welcome. Thanks for the space!
Image credits: danujas
#24 My Daughter Wearing Her Great-Great-Grandmother’s Wedding Dress
Image credits: reddit.com
#25 Mechanical / Automatic Watches Appreciation
I Inherited my Grandfathers Omega Geneve (late 1960’s). He wore it every day on the farm and it was in pretty rough shape when I got it last year.
Some service at a local watchmaker and it’s good as new. Manual wind. Should last another couple of generations
Image credits: Dunsteen
#26 Inherited This Ring From My Grandpa Over 20 Years Ago. Was Told He Got It While Fighting In Ww2. Any Idea What It Might Be?
Image credits: ico59
#27 Inherited Cards From Brother Who Passed Away
Hi Pokémon fans. My brother who was really into Pokémon cards sadly passed away recently and I got more or less all of his possessions.
I tried to make a poster out of the cards I thought looked the coolest but couldn't fit the ones in the thicker plastic, I also don't have much of a clue when it comes to Pokémon. Any tips or recommendations about what to do with them? I can't imagine I'll ever sell them even if they are worth something as I know he loved his cards.
Thanks for any tips! Its much appreciated
Image credits: Carlsssson
#28 Recently Inherited 1964 Galaxie
Image credits: armsareheavy69
#29 Ring Originally Belonged To My Husbands Great-Great Aunt. His Grandmother Inherited It, Eventually Passing It To My Husband While We Were Dating Saying, “Either Give This To Op Or Give It Back To Me”
His grandmother never wore the ring and I haven’t changed anything about it since my husband gave it to me two years ago. It’s a bit flashy but I adore it.
Image credits: NansThighs
#30 Recently Inherited This Natural Diamond Tennis Chain And Was Wondering If It Looks Too Feminine On A Guy
I don’t know how much it’s worth and I’m getting it appraised soon, but would love some of yalls experience
Image credits: DefiantPercentage453
#31 My Inheritance From My Stepdad
I inherited two things from my beloved step dad, his dog who’s the best boy, and his Yuka Tree.
While his family cleared the house I left the tree as it was rather heavy and we needed to move some furniture first. It’s been a couple days and his family have moved a lot of the furniture out and left the plant outside his house for me to go get and I’ve come to find it and it seems someone decided to pull all its leaves off. I’m not sure if it was malicious or kids in the area, I just hope they grow back.
Image credits: barberbee
#32 Inheriting My Late Father’s Mustang At 17; What To Know?
Respect the power, filing under my mother for insurance etc.
Image credits: toasterman2507
#33 Inherited A Large Amount Of Comicbooks
I recently inherited a large amount of comic books. Many are from the 1970s. Also some from the 80s and 90s. I’ve been enjoying looking through them but I’m new to it. Are there any holy grail books I should be looking for? Also not sure I can keep them in my limited space. If anyone in Baton Rouge, Louisiana wants to look through them, shoot me a message.
Image credits: club27vinyl
#34 Inheritance From Grandma
My grandmother just passed and left me with this, along with other coins. Rest in peace.
Image credits: deadxtoaster
#35 Inherited A Sword, Join A Sword Subreddit
Looks like this kind of thing gets posted a bunch, but I inherited a sword. I'm going to try some wd40 and some high grit sandpaper to get some rust off but the handle is a is pretty worn. Any thoughts on improving this or any info about the sword itself? Thanks!
Image credits: leetpeet29
#36 My New Keystone Olympic Standard 8mm Film Video Camera, Inherited From My Great Grandfather
Image credits: Day47media
#37 My Great-Great Grandmother’s Wedding Blouse From 1902
Image credits: awena626
#38 My Great Grandma Millie’s Best Dress. I Wish I Could Ask Her More About It. Would Not Be Surprised If It Were Handmade
Image credits: Spoonless727
#39 Braun Coffee Grinder Made In West Germany
I “inherited” this coffee grinder when we went remote during COVID.
I realized it was made made before the Berlin Wall fell when I was trying to buy another for a friend who was seeking a replacement. Bonus points it is a fun color.
Image credits: _futuresting_
#40 I Inherited This. What Would You Do?
This was my father's home, back half built in 1873 and front half built in 1906. I grew up here, but it's gone several decades without proper maintenance. What would you do, knowing that it's owned free and clear?
Image credits: pm-me-asparagus
#41 Inherited This Guitar
I recently inherited this guitar and I’d like to learn more about it. I haven’t been able to find a name on it a brand I think it might be custom-made. What do you think?
Image credits: GoldieKind
#42 I Am The 4th Woman In The Family To Inherit My Great Grandma’s Wedding Necklace. She Got Married At 15 In 1956 Back Home In Pakistan
22k pakistani gold, one of our family’s many jewellery heirlooms
Image credits: dumbbratbaby
#43 I Inherited A Massive Metal Cd Collection Today
I will slowly filter them, I am certain I won't keep most of these. But there are already a couple I found worth hanging on to.
Image credits: senyorlimpio
#44 My Inheritance: Mom’s Cat Is Here To Stay
TW: parental loss
This is Joey, my Mom’s huge orange cat. He has spent all of his life fat, happy, and an only very spoiled cat.
He’s been here since February but as of last Friday, he’s officially ours. He now has two sisters who are not amused. He also has lost some weight because he likes to play and run around with his new siblings, much to their annoyance.
I arranged my Mom’s Playbills for a photo. Joey came by and sat on her collection. It was his little tribute.
Image credits: MaddyandOwensMom
#45 Inherited From My Father 6 Months Ago. Wore It For The First Time Today
Image credits: almosthungover
#46 My Wife Inherited This Piece Of Amethyst From Her Late Father, How Can We Clean It Up Without Damaging It?
He passed away in May, it was in his room for months before and then months after his death, coming home with us today. As a result it's very dusty. He also smoked in the same room so it likely isn't just dust but a coating of cigarette chemicals etc.
How can we clean it up without damaging it? It's a rock at the end of the day, can we just submerge it in some lukewarm water and use a soft toothbrush or similar to remove the dirt?
Image credits: BigfatDan1
#47 Is This An Original Yoda Prototype? Friend Inherited It And Doesn’t Know Much
Image credits: OnAPiranha
#48 Inherited A House With A Vinyl-Liner Pool That Is In Disrepair. What Are My Options For Refurbishing It?
Image credits: TwoTheVictor
#49 Inherited A Spoon Collection Including A Pope Spoon
Image credits: TwinsieToes
#50 This Cat That Inherited The Tabby Pattern And Color Only On Its Head
Image credits: edgeplorer
#51 I’ve Got This Gary Carter Card That I Inherited From My Dad’s Collection. Such A Unique Card That I Will Never Sell
Image credits: fslong1
#52 This Terrifying Handbag Was Used By My Grandmother, But Now Lives On A Shelf In My House Where He Can Eat Souls
Image credits: FrancescaMcG
#53 I Inherited This From My Mom. Not Sure How Old It Is But I Continue To Use It Regularly
Image credits: no1ofimport
#54 Inheriting My Stanley Thermos
My dad died very unexpectedly almost 3 months ago now. This was his Stanley thermos that's somewhere around 20 years old and in basically perfect condition. I've always wanted one of my own and have been on the lookout at garage sales and thrift stores. Now it's mine, and it's bittersweet but it's a nice memory that will be around forever.
Image credits: halicarnassus-geode
#55 Copper Bottom Revere Ware Set I Inherited From My Parents. All Pieces Were Made Before 1968
I’m in my 30’s and these are the pots and pans my parents used all throughout my life. My parents inherited this set from my grandparents on my dad’s side. These were made in Rome, NY. Unfortunately the company opted to have their products manufactured in China beginning in 1999.
Image credits: Kweschion
#56 My Mom Died So I Inherited Her Shih Tzu
My mom recently died of cancer, it happened very quickly. Four years prior, we traveled out of state and we each got a shih tzu. We were so happy with our puppies. At that time, she made me promise I would take her dog if anything happened to her which I was happy to do. I never would have guessed it would happen so soon.
My mom and her dog were inseparable. He followed her everywhere as shih tzu’s do and even went to work with her. He was there when she passed so I hope he has some closure with that. He went from a quiet house with my mom to moving in with my family that consists of my husband, three kids and two other shih tzus. Thankfully, I am a SAHM so I spend a lot of time with him and we go for walks often. It has only been three weeks. He seems pretty confused here but is starting to play and show his personality.
My male shih tzu is not very friendly with him. Growls and sometimes attacks him if he gets too close to me. They both seem to be alpha males so neither back down. My female shih tzu is great with my mom’s dogs but I feel so bad for the little guy and just hope he is happy here. Here’s a picture of my mom’s dog, he is so sweet and well behaved.
Image credits: Otherwise_Ad_1340
#57 Inherited This Timeless Metallic 40s Outfit From My Grandmother
Image credits: No_Rice8282
#58 Inheriting A 39 Year Old Parrot While 8 Months Pregnant
I made a post a few months ago explaining that my husband’s grandfather had passed away, leaving a 39 year old hello headed Amazon who needed a home and that despite being 8 months pregnant with our first child and having no experience with birds, we had decided to step up and be the family members who brought him home.
Image credits: linkon_1848
#59 I Inherited A Guitar, And Have No Idea What It’s Worth
I play guitar occasionally and it's a fun hobby of mine, but i honestly am to afraid to play this guitar without knowing its value.
So i know how to play but not how to evaluate a guitars worth, so i was wondering if anyone here could help give an idea of its make and model.
I have a picture of it here and i have some of the info, including the COA for it, idk if its something i should take a pictue of so some info on that would be good too.
It's a gibson les paul custom and from the research ive done it's cherry lester color with the following things checked on the paperwork for the order. Exterior finish: Top Back Sides Neck Fretboard Bridge/saddle Peghead/nut Binding Hardware
Playability Action 12th L 5 H 3 1st L 2 H 1 Intonation Buzzing Electronics
All help is appreciated!
Image credits: Jack_of_Some_Trad3s
#60 Inherited From My Father Who Recently Passed. Day-Date 18k, Bark Band, Fluted Bezel, All Original Docs And Packaging. Manufactured In 1980. Any Idea On The Approximate Value?
Image credits: SteveTheBeave452
#61 My Son Inherited My Joined Together Toes
Image credits: Microwavehead
#62 The Vintage Cookie Jar I Inherited Is The Same Kind From Pee Wee’s Big Adventure
Image credits: Dranem78
#63 My Uncle Was Part Of The Hardware Design Team For The Xbox 360 And He Left Me These Awesome Collectors Items When He Passed Away A Few Years Ago
Image credits: jdmoore97
#64 This Is “Humidifier” Inherited From My Uncle, Who Inherited It From His Mother
Image credits: VelmaHamdan
#65 Inherited Some Sewing Materials From My Grandma And Dutch Alert
Image credits: fishontherun2
#66 Me In My Father’s Old Circesian Dance Uniform
Image credits: treadbolt5
#67 Check Out These Levi’s That Belonged To My Mother In The 1970s!! I Totally Over Wear These Pants. Haha
Image credits: maricano9
#68 I Just Received The Most Amazing Christmas Present; An Original Work Dress Made In What I Believe Is The Late 1800’s. It’s Been In My Family For 5 Generations
Image credits: MegAnimates
#69 My Grandfather’s Old Leather Bag
I recently inherited an old duffel from my father. He's had it for as long as I remember and I've always admired it, but it's so old that the leather is starting to wear out considerably. It also has patches inside where it has been professionally repaired at least once. Is there any specific products out there that can restore some strength and color to very old leather without damaging it further?
Image credits: Bershirker
#70 My Mom’s General Electric Mixer That She Inherited From My Grandma, Who Bought It In 1976, Second Hand
Image credits: pieterjh
#71 My Grandfather’s Stapler, Still Going Strong
Vintage Swingline inherited from my grandfather’s office supplies when he died in the 1990s and used by me for over 20 years!
Image credits: activeponybot
#72 Newly Inherited KitchenAid
My bf and I have recently moved into our first home, and with that, I’ve inherited a very special family heirloom; a 1970s era KitchenAid stand mixer that my mom bought for her mom from a Shillito’s department store before 1978.
It definitely has physical signs of its age, but it still runs beautifully and I couldn’t be more excited to give it a home on my countertop!
Image credits: socialissuecatlady
#73 This Electrolux Assistant, Probably From The 70’s, Has Finally Given Up
This marvelous household assistant has been in frequent use since at least the 80’s. I inherited it from a great aunt and it’s been reliable for both of us. The motor still runs but unfortunately the connector to the bowl, and the plastic part of the fastening on the bowl, have broken down, and I’ve not figured out how to fix/replace it.
Image credits: eumenides__
#74 Just Inherited. I Was Shaking When I Found These
This was the share AFTER being split 3 ways. 12 Krugerand, 11 maple leaf, 3 Liberty eagle, 3 50 pesos. Are these worth more as gold, or as the coin?
Image credits: mandolorachu
#75 Girlfriend Just Inherited These
Image credits: cox7x
#76 John Hancock Signed Lottery Ticket From 1767 My Dad Inherited
Image credits: gabrieltwin
#77 My Parents Has This Gold Mohar From 100 Years Back. 4th Generations Inheritance
1.What is written on top of this?
2.Should i sell this off or Keep it for another generation?
Image credits: nature-is-metal
#78 My Grandmothers Monstera She Inherited From Her Mother In 86. It Is Well Over 50-Years Old
Image credits: Mamma-grus
#79 Inherited This Truck From My Grandfather. He Modded It To Give Each Gear An Overdrive, This It’s Got A 12 Spd Manual. Unfortunately She’s Reached The End Of The Road
Image credits: Signal-Apartment-614
#80 Inherited My Father’s Record Player
Image credits: TrashcanDingo
#81 The Dementia Clock I Inherited Is Not Helping
Image credits: ductoid
#82 I Inherited An Ivory Soap Necklace Made Of Ivory
Image credits: reddit.com
#83 This Winslow Catalin Clock I Inherited From My Great Grandfather
Image credits: alecmets2011
#84 I Inherited Hundreds Of Vintage Glashütte Watches – What Now?
Image credits: Kaliber75
#85 I Inherited Around $3k Worth Of Unsorted Pennies. Is It Worth It To Sort Out The Pre-82 Pennies As I Sift Through Them Or Just Dump Them All Together?
Image credits: dagreja
#86 I Just Inherited A Few Pieces Of Jewellery, And I Know Nothing About Jewelry In General, I Dont Even Wear It Myself. Can Anyone Help Me Identify These?
Image credits: ismellnumbers
#87 Victorian Turquoise
A bracelet inherited by a friend. Basically perfect in every way. (I am violently jealous ?).
Image credits: imaginaryworkfriend
#88 [Patek Philippe Nautilus] Inherited From My Grandfather
Image credits: WiredIrish
#89 We Inherited A Cat… His Name Is Pumpkin But We Also Call Him Pig Cat
Image credits: Liv4LittleSerialKillers
#90 About As Old As I Am
Inherited from my grandmother. It sat next to her kitchen sink from the 80s to 2010. Now it sits next to mine. Takes it a few seconds to get it started but it works great!
Image credits: roundbellyrhonda
#91 Onto Its Second Life. Marantz 2238b
Inherited this from my dad after he passed a few years ago. He purchased it new in the 70s. Just got it back from service today. Excited for the next 50years of its life!
Image credits: reddit.com
#92 Ceramic Soup Bowls Inherited From Grandparents. I Would Eat Ice Cream Out Of These As A Kid
Unfortunately I have no clue where my grandparents got these but they were made in Japan and are at least 30 years old. I found similar ones on the internet, but none with 2 handles like the ones pictured here.
Image credits: Kweschion
#93 I Just Inherited This Truck
Hello all. I’m new here. I inherited this 72’ from my father. He replaced the engine/trans with a 454 and turbo 400. It’s clearly been lowered with cutdown springs. Stock rear end. It has some aftermarket panels, original hood. It needs a new bed floor and wiring harness. It also had a Holly carb. It runs rich and has problems staying running.
I’m not at all a car/truck guy but I know enough to know of the potential of this vehicle. I think I should change the rear end, or at least the gearing. I live in western Washington. I don’t know how to proceed. I’d like to bring it to a Chevy shop for them to go through it and make all the necessary changes. I don’t want to take it to a regular mechanic as I don’t want to get screwed.
Do any of you know of a good honest shop or mechanic I can trust in or around the Seattle area? I’ve thought about reaching out to any car clubs but wanted to check here first.
Image credits: SidneySilver
#94 Found A Check From 1879 For $105 In My Dresser That I Inherited From My Grandfather
Image credits: Spaloonbabagoon
#95 My Dad Inherited This And Is Being Told It Is Worth $10k+
So first, is that true? And second, where could he sell it?
Image credits: stray_girl
#96 I Inherited My Dad’s Collection Of Political Buttons
Image credits: a-manda_hugandkiss
#97 Inherited An Old Grill In Rough Shape. Should I Repaint The Inside?
I inherited a grill in rough shape. I’m using a wire brush to clean what looks like flaking black paint from the inside. Should I get it all to bare metal and repaint it? First time working on a grill so all advice is welcome.
Image credits: sheldonator
#98 Felco #11 Pruners. Near Daily Use Since Inherited From My Mom 15 Years Ago
This pair is at least 20, if not 30 years old. As a career arborist I can’t recommend Felco brand enough. I just purchased a new pair for work and they’re still made the exact same way. Drastically higher quality than Fiskars or Corona brands.
Image credits: beisa3
#99 Inherited Mother’s 1984(?) Black And Decker Iron. I Learned To Iron With This When I Was A Child And It’s Still Steaming Along Today. Model #fl535s
Image credits: fpsi_tv
#100 I Inherited This Anvil I Was Told Was From The Wpa, Aka Resourceful Rednecks. Wonder How Many Trains Ran On It
Image credits: RoninRobot
#101 I Seen Someone Else Post Their Parents Garlic Miner, So Here’s Mine
Here is my garlic mincer I inherited from my mother after she passed. It was gifted to my mother when she moved into her own apartment from my grandmother and now it’s mine.
Image credits: jrizzett
#102 I Inherited This Hofner So I Guess I Have To Learn Bass Now
Image credits: Benfulkman99
#103 Wanted To Share This 60+ Year Old Croton That My Dad Inherited From His Parents
Image credits: DragonTamer369
#104 I’ve Been Fascinated By This Paperweight Of My Grandpa’s For As Long As I Can Remember. Today I Inherited It
Image credits: sauntimo
#105 My Wife Inherited This Table From Her Grandpa. She Thinks It’s Called A Skittles Table.. But Can’t Find Much On What It Is Or How To Play. Any Point In The Right Direction Would Be Great
Image credits: ghollowe
#106 My Grandma’s Dress From The 1960’s (Brand: Kiki Hart For Neiman Marcus)
Image credits: rangarangaroo
#107 This Plastic Cooking Spoon I Inherited From My Grandma Is Apparently From The 60-70s
By the Swedish company Plast-Teknik based in Gothenburg, which also is the city I'm from and live in.
I couldn't find more info about this particular model though – the only other text is "Art. Nr. 1341" which is the article number. It would be fun to know which year it's from. The are some museum pieces in the Nationalmuseum dating from the 60s and 70s, and some listings on Tradera (basically Swedish Ebay) mainly dating from the 70s, so that's why I assume this spoon is also from that time period.
I use it all the time, and I guess grandma did as well since she didn't own many other cooking spoons. It's very sturdy, and it doesn't look like the black color has faded at all over the decades.
…Because I like it so much it's probably extremely toxic or something.
Image credits: Jimbobler
#108 My Grandma Gave Me This Edwardian Blouse She Has Had For Years And I Almost Cried. It Belonged To My Great-Great-Grandmother Who Lived In Fillmore, Mo
Image credits: The-Other-Turtle
#109 I Inherited My Grandpa’s Creeper. He Died At Age 89 In 2013. Excuse The Messy Couch Cover, It’s Impossible To Keep Neat With A Puppy
Image credits: ConstantHawk-2241
#110 Our Inherited ~100 Year Old KitchenAid Mixer (Still Functional)
Image credits: robertsij
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