According to Wikipedia, “Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.”
That is fine in its own way, but I want to explore the space beyond objects and events, deep into our personal spaces, in our heads, between each of us, in our lives.
I love the word ‘boundless’. As I often say, being trapped is the worst thing that can happen to a human being, so ‘space’ naturally appeals to me.
Inner and Outer Space
Inner and outer space exploration have many aspects in common. We need to be prepared for the journey by having confidence in ourselves as it can be both scary and exciting at the same time.
If we can handle it, the weightlessness of drifting in our inner space and looking down on ourselves without judgement through yoga, meditation or religious practice can bring enormous inner peace and growth.
We have all met people who invade our personal space. There is a sort of invisible electric field around each of us and somehow most of us sense this. We let people in close to kiss and hug. For others, this kind of proximity is not appropriate.
Space Barriers
There is also the invisible space in our heads and hearts. Some of us have been so badly hurt that we have closed down completely to relationships with others.
Do you live in a world surrounded by emotional walls? They consume enormous amounts of energy to maintain.
If you do, are these walls still necessary, or are they a habit you have formed over a lifetime? If they are still necessary, is it time to move on and to a better place? So many of us are unconsciously letting the past dictate and spoil our present.
Space to Grow
We all need space, free from controlling influences: children, the older generation, a demanding partner. We may be 60+, but we still need to grow. I loved a sign I saw the other day, stating, “It is never too late to bloom.”
A tree that is alive will keep on extending its roots and growing new leaves; only when it is dead does it stop developing.
If we are going to live life to the full, having been given this precious gift, we need to start exploring our space, inside and out. Space can be scary, but you never know what you might find and where it might lead you.
Miss Norma
I recently came across the Facebook page Driving Miss Norma, which presents a concrete example of what one lady of 90 did with the space left by the death of her husband and a diagnosis of terminal cancer.
After being widowed, Miss Norma was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She was advised to undergo surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
Instead of entering the hospital, she hit the road and travelled the country. Miss Norma died at age 91, after one year full of fun and adventure, living life on her terms. Allow yourself to be inspired by Miss Norma.
What Does Your Space Look Like?
I would love to hear about your personal space experiences. How do you use your space? Do you dare to step outside your capsule and start growing and exploring? Tell us how your appreciation of space in your 60s has changed you and those around you.
Let’s Have a Conversation:
Do you have enough space, or too much in your life? Are you feeling bound by parts of your life or ultimately free to live on your terms? Do you live in a world of emotional walls? Please share your thoughts and insights below!
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