Life isn’t always fair, no matter how much we wish it could be. Sure, there are times when justice prevails and good triumphs, but far too often, the scales seem hopelessly tipped.
It’s the kind of realization that can really make your blood boil. And it certainly did for these Redditors, who didn’t hold back as they shared some of society’s biggest double standards in a recent thread.
Scroll down to read their thoughts, and don’t forget to share your own in the comments!
When Santa comes down the chimney and eats your food he’s “Holly” and “jolly” but I do it and I’m “drunk” and “breaking and entering”.
Churches being involved in politics but not having to pay taxes. Tax the fuckn church.
The idea that getting money without working for it is awful and horrible if you’re poor, but cool and respectable and a just reward for “success” if you’re rich.
If you establish yourself as a “hard worker” everyone notices when you have a bad day and don’t perform to your usual standard. Meanwhile “slackers” are praised for performing slightly above average.
Girls wearing feminine things? Yeah. Girls wearing masculine things? Yeah. Guys wearing masculine things? Yeah. Guys wearing feminine things? You’re gonna get beaten up if you enter the wrong alley.
I need to submit to a background check and d**g test for most jobs.
The president is a convicted felon. Elon does d***s.
The huge focus on Joe Biden’s apparent mental decline… versus… nobody batting an eyelid about Donald Trump’s obvious mental decline.
Employees are expected to give 2 weeks notice before leaving a job, but employers won’t give us even 2 hours notice before firing us.
Normal person files for bankruptcy to give themselves a fresh start and they’re being shamed for it.
Rich person files for bankruptcy 8 different times and no one blinks an eye.
How men are praised for doing basic stuff like cooking or taking care of kids, while women are expected to do it all and still get judged for ,,not doing enough”
Not trying to offend anyone just my personal opinion:).
Rich people receiving praise for getting government money whilst looking down on poor people needing government help.
how men are praised for being confident or assertive, but women who do the same are often labeled as bossy or aggressive. it’s like the same behavior is judged differently just based on gender.
That a man with five kids from three different woman, all of whom he openly cheated on, and be elected president. A woman wouldn’t even be considered for mayor with that track record.
I know it’s mentioned a lot, but cannabis being illegal and alcohol being legal (in most countries) is an outrageous double standard.
If a guy can’t go to a party or event etc. because his girlfriend won’t let him everyone’s like ‘fair enough’
If a guy doesn’t let his girlfriend go he is considered controlling/abusive etc.
I’m not American, but I know in the USA you can’t drink or buy tobacco until you’re 21. Yet you can join the army and be sent to foreign countries to fight, buy a gun, or vote at the age of 18.
Two tiered justice system.
If you are rich, you can’t commit a crime serious enough to result in a reasonable prison sentence.
The government can fail financial audits to the tune of billions missing with no accountability or consequences. But I have to explain deposits over $600. Totally ridiculous.
The pure joy I have when I find a curly fry at the bottom of the regular fries I ordered but the absolute disgust I have when I find a regular fry at the bottom of curly fries I ordered.
There are always 50 wars going on. Bigger and smaller ones.
But we only know and care about Ukraine and Palestine because the media puts them constantly on the screen.
Vilifying an entire race and gender. You can be racist to white people, especially white men. But it cannot be the opposite.
CNN can release a news article called “There’s Nothing Scarier Than Angry White Men”. If you replaced “white men” with “black people”, there would be public outrage and much consequence.
Black people can openly say “I don’t like white people” and it’s acceptable. A white person cannot say that about their own race without termination from their job, being deplatformed and deemed a racist. I think both of these attitudes towards one another are disgusting. I don’t feel that way about a race. It’s bothersome that someone would judge me just because of my skin color too.
Progress on race issues begins when everyone has the same social behaviors and mutual respect. Not when one gets a special license to be hateful and the other is supposed to put up with it. Most things deemed “racist” are not about race anyway, it’s tribalism. A very natural thing for all of us.
People with cultural similarities will always predominately flock together. Race is the first and most obvious commonality that make make a group of people flock together. In a diverse room, Christian’s will naturally flock together, blacks will flock together, gays will flock together and so on.
Everyone, without exception or even admission, is most comfortable with people that are most like them from physical appearance to politics, interests, and beliefs. There’s countless studies on it. Instead of understanding and respecting the human condition, we normalize blaming and vilifying white people because they are the majority in the proverbial room. .
Men’s nipples are normalized, women’s nipples are sexualized.
America calling itself the “land of the free” while simultaneously incarcerating more people than any other nation.
People care much more for people they can relate to. A man wearing a suit collapsing on the street will get much more attention and immediate help than someone who looks foreign and homeless.
That viagra is covered by health insurance and most name brand birth controls are not (even though viagra is just for boners and birth control helps with a litany of female hormone regulation issues).
In the US, justice for the rich/celebrities/politicians vs the rest of the population. A prime example that comes to mind is how Tyreek Hill was given a speeding ticket for going 90 in a 30. The he has the audacity to demand the cop be fired. A regular person in that situation would have been arrested for reckless endangerment and their car impounded.
How some groups think it is fine that they can do what they like, but “others” need to be told by them to what to do. Some groups go, let’s make a law governing how others behave, but woe betide anyone who tries to make laws governing how those groups behave.
Other people are “immigrants” but when it’s someone white they are an “expat” .
Elon musk openly smoked weed on camera and talks about taking other illegal d***s on the Joe Rogan podcast, yet he still launches rockets and has just been brought into the president elects cabinet and entrusted to run a department in the federal government but a regular citizen wouldn’t pass a security clearance/background investigation and interview to work for a government entity if they smoked weed.
Women usually get punished less harshly for sexual crimes, a 30 year old female teacher from a high school in my area got caught having sex with a. 16 year old boy and nothing was done about it, no jail time, no arrest, people weren’t mad at her, nothing! Age of consent where I live is 18 so she definitely was breaking the law, if a 30 year old man at sex with a 16 year old girl they’d call for his execution, hell if a 25 year old banged an 19 year old girl they’d call him a predator but when women do it they seem to always get a slap on the wrist.
Mental health.
Men are supposedly encouraged to be vulnerable but f*****g hell, show any sign of weakness and it will be weaponised against you
For women? I think that’s going great.
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