Insights and understanding come from the places you least expect. Everyone needs to be reminded that they are never too old and it is never too late to lead a relevant, resilient, radiant, and remarkable life.
Though age bias are still very prevalent in our culture, anyone can cultivate a refreshed and courageous perspective on aging, work and life; even during times of uncertainty and fear.
I would like to share with you my inspirations in the hopes they will help you find yours. As in the Wizard of Oz, sometimes you don’t have to go far to find out that all you need is right where you stand.
There have been a few significant life events or realizations over the past eight years that have significantly changed my life and work. One was when I turned 55, the age my mother was when she died.
The second was when I turned 60. The third was during a session with a client several years ago. Now I am able to see how it all fits together perfectly.
My Business Relaunch
I relaunched my business in 2012, when I turned 55, the same age my mother was when she died. I do this work to honor her memory, and the legacy of all the strong women that came before her.
My work, each and every day, has meaning and purpose. Though it came upon me with an unexpected bang and without a safety net. Once I committed, there was no turning back. It took a few years to reeducate my clients and prospects, but I had to continue. It is part of my DNA.
On that birthday, I wrote my mom a letter and in it I said, “I’m not done yet.” Right then I had the revelation. Why not rebrand and rename my firm with focus on helping clients remain relevant, resilient, and remarkable? So I did. It was both hard and easy, and eight years and counting, it is still thriving.
With the relaunch, I began using alliterations with words that begin with the letter ‘R’. I didn’t at first know why. Later, I realized that this too is in homage to my mother, whose name was Racene.
My First Triathlon and Learning How to Swim
Then five years later I turned 60! After having a milestone birthday, I declared that this was the year I was going to do things that scare me and push me way out of my comfort zone.
So, I registered for my first triathlon. That was scary enough, but couple that with no ability to swim and a fear of the deep water, and you have a double header of uncomfortableness and fear!
After months (which at times felt like years) of training, and sometimes complaining that “it’s too hard,” I completed the triathlon and then did another last year. Both times it took my village to get me from fear to finish. Both were a success. The second time I was 8+ minutes faster. I counted it real success that I didn’t need to be visited by a medic. #IAmATriathlete
So if you tell me you can’t or you’re too old or you’re afraid, or whatever your excuse is, I can tell you that you can feel uncomfortable or embarrassed or fearful or less than, and still show up and accomplish.
A Single Conversation Can Have Lasting Impact
A few years back, while I was in session with a client, I had another insight. We were talking about hobbies and inspiration. I shared with her my love of photographing flowers ever since I was a girl. She reminded me that both my first and middle names are flowers – Rose of Sharon and Iris.
I was literally born with this passion. It is interesting that up until that moment, I had not put that notion together. Of course I would have this interest. It is my birthright.
Insights and Inspiration Often Times Come from the Places You Least Expect
Are you ready to reimagine a different future for yourself even during this global time of uncertainty?
Did you know that Shakespeare made many of his masterpieces during a pandemic? He was personally affected as his son died during that time at the age of 11. He wrote Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra when he was at his worst, for example.
Consider using each day as your professional or personal intermission. Learn ways to find opportunities to remain relevant, resilient, and remarkable. It is possible to find and create magical moments to continue to drive outcomes and results.
Everyone needs to be reminded that they are never too old, and it is never too late! Anyone can cultivate a refreshed courageous perspective on aging, engagement, work, and life.
Let’s Have a Conversation:
Do you consider yourself relevant, resilient, radiant, and remarkable? What’s stopping you from embracing this kind of mindset? What events in your life inspire you to never give up and always strive to succeed? Please share your stories with our community!
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