No matter how popular they are, most celebrities have haters, too. And actors are no exception. Beloved by many, they get on some people’s nerves, sometimes for no apparent reason. But that’s usually part of the deal of being famous.
One redditor became curious about what actors people hated, despite them being loved by many, too. They started a thread on the ‘Ask’ subreddit and netizens compiled quite an extensive list, some pointing out that ‘hate’ is quite a strong word, yet having no problem naming the actor. Scroll down to find their answers on the list below and feel free to let us know in the comments what actor you are not that fond of yourself.
Tom Cruise.
I feel like he is insanely good at what he does. But I also feel like he’s an astoundingly insincere and uncaring person
Image credits: Obi1NotWan
Woody Alen.
I'm 51 and I've always disliked him. I saw part of one of his movies when I was a kid and thought it was dumb as hell. I don't think he's smart, witty, or funny on any level. Finding out that he's a p*do is one of the least-surprising news items ever.
Image credits: Grunt0302
James Corden.
We don’t want him back here. god he’s so up his own arse
Image credits: DisneyVista
Zendaya. im so tired of seeing her everywhere. it’s not that she’s not talented but she certainly is overrated.
Image credits: Touch_Super
Jared Leto.
Who does like him though?
Image credits: Huge_Wolverine5761
J Lo & Angelina Jolie.
I'm kind of OK on Angelina Jolie, but never could figure out why J Lo was famous!
Image credits: 2b-Kindly_
Chris Rock. I don’t hate him, I just don’t think his standup is funny. He’s just telling stories while yelling.
Image credits: ThisBerserkTextBone
Will Smith.
Used to love him. I liked Wild Wild West, but the rest of society hated that movie, 3/4 of MIB were amazing, Independence Day 1 was great, etc …
His toxic relationship with Jada is really f**king up his whole life and career. I think he still has potential if he gets away from her.
Image credits: Over-Supermarket-557
Kardashian. Any one of them. Can they be considered actors?
Image credits: smiama6
Lady GaGa.
I’m sorry.. but BC carried A Star is Born and it still sucked.
Image credits: anon
Hate is such a strong word, Kevin Hart.
EDIT 1: oh my glob I thought I was about to start trouble by saying his name. Glad to know I’m not alone! I just don’t find him funny in movies, Night School was overhyped.
“I’m short, I’m black and I’m loud” comedy formula doesn’t work for you?!
Image credits: Narrow_Guava_6239
Amber Heard. Her performance “My dog stepped on a bee *awfull face*”, is by far the worst acting.
Pete Davidson.
I don’t understand his cult of women who flock to him, if I met him the first thing I would want to do is arrange a date with my fist and his face
Image credits: 69relative
Ben Affleck.
Ben Affleck should have just been some middle manager at a car company.
Image credits: Angiecimm
Jada. Yeah, I know it was Will who slapped Chris Rock but the slap wouldn’t have happened if Jada would have a sense of humor instead of being so uptight.
Mindy kaling.
The late night talk show where she surprise off script kissed an actor cause he was hot, then threatened to fire her crew because they noted she'd sexually harassed him was pretty rough.
Image credits: musteatpoptarts
Will Ferrell.
I loved him in “Stranger Than Fiction”, but other then that can’t stand him in anything I’ve seen him in. The man has talent, but I’m not into his kind of humor.
Image credits: Vossenoren
Jennifer f*****g Aniston.
Everything about her screams beige to me.
Image credits: anon
Owen Wilson
That soft spoken monologue that he does in every role is infuriating.
Image credits: GetRichOrCryTrying1
The Rock.
He's not a bad actor…he's just a one trick pony. And he's the wrong casting choice sometimes, yet he's in everything. He was especially out of place in jungle cruise and red notice. There are other actors!
Image credits: deadgead3556
Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell. I just can’t stand watching movies with either of them.
Mark Wahlberg, it’s not like he can act, why is he in so many movies?
Image credits: hither_spin
Kristen Stewart! She can only act morose.
Priyanka Chopra – saw one movie of her’s and found her so insufferable and now I can’t really watch anything she’s in.
All of them. Celebrity worship is f*****g weird.
My husband hates Vince Vaughn. No rhyme or reason. Just hates him.
A celebrity I don’t care for is Demi Lovato. *Demi gives me the ick.
Edit: she/they to Demi.
Image credits: anon
Jim Carrey.. He gives me the creeps.
Image credits: Conscious_Bend_7308
Matthew McConaughey. He gives me that creepy southern Christian pastor vibe. *shiver.
Timothée Chalamet. Don’t know why.
Leonardo DiCaprio just so over rated.
Mark Wahlberg. Hate criminal piece of s**t.
Image credits: Living_Injury5017
Johnny Depp. He’s basically played the same character for years, whether it’s a kooky pirate captain or a kooky candy maker or a kooky native American sidekick. He also does cologne ads despite looking like his natural scent is cigarette butt soaked in sour wine.
Image credits: locksmith25
Jennifer Lawrence. I don't think she's as funny as people find her.
Image credits: anon
Nicole Kidman – I am so tired of seeing her in everything and that bizarre pda she does with her husband EVERY time they are on the red carpet is gross and so suspect.
Scarlet Johansson. She only makes one face.
Image credits: WallabyWitty3945
Katherine Heigl…I don’t hate her – her vibe is off.
Image credits: Mindless_Analyzing
Mel Gibson. Twat.
Joy Behar!!!
She’s a washed-up has been of a “comedienne” who has grown too big for her own britches and steamrolls anyone who DARES to disagree with her about literally ANYTHING and publicly shames them on her stupid show with the rest of the self-important mean girls.
Ben Stiller. Something about him just creeps me out.
Adam DeVine. I wouldn’t say hate, but I certainly dislike his characters and there’s something about his face that gets me riled up and not in the good way ;’].
Seth Rogan. His laugh and voice are borderline unbearable.
Kevin Costner. The talent of a block of wood.
Image credits: No-Lingonberry4556
Chris f****n Pratt.
I used to really like him back in the P&R days as he reminded me a lot of a good friend of mine, but since then he’s become an arrogant self loving wanker.
Image credits: MeganK80
Let's just say not everybody loves Raymond.
He was really really good in Paddleton, because it was a good indie movie, but I get the impression he's not the nicest fellow.
Image credits: fugsco
Tony Danza. He is a no talent, loud mouth, who has not been able to get any kind of hit in over 30 years.
Tom Hanks, something about the guy just rubs me the wrong way. I can’t really describe it but it’s kinda like watching him gives the same feeling as being home alone in the dark and hearing a noise down the hallway.
Edit- rearranged wording slightly.
I am going to get a lot of s**t for saying this and hate is not the word I would use but… Ryan Reynolds. I feel like he plays the same personality in everything and he isn’t very attractive. Now, if that was that in itself it’s fine because I don’t think he is horrible or ugly but the whole movement of people making him out to be the best and sexiest person I think is what bugs me more than just him being him. I’m a straight man but if people were going crazy like this over Henry cavil or maybe Bradley Cooper, Chris hemsworth then I think I would understand it more.
Image credits: Besieger13
Jack Black. I try to like him. Everyone else seems to think he’s lovely.
An irrelevant dinosaur named Jane Fonda.
Sandra Bullock. Probably a nice woman but I f*****g hate her face, voice and acting.
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